Sunday, 17 February 2013


Algebraic expression

 an algebraic expression is an expression built up from constants, variables, and a finite number of algebraic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation by an exponent that is a rational number).For example, 3x^2 - 2xy + c is an algebraic expression. Since taking the square root is the same as raising to the power \tfrac{1}{2},
is also an algebraic expression.
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1 – Exponent (power), 2 – Coefficient, 3 – term, 4 – operator, 5 – constant, x, y - variables


By convention, letters at the beginning of the alphabet (e.g. a, b, c) are typically used to represent constants, and those toward the end of the alphabet (e.g. x, y and z) are used to represent variables. They are usually written in italics.


By convention, terms with the highest power (exponent), are written on the left, for example, x^2 is written to the left of x. When a coefficient is one, it is usually omitted (e.g. 1x^2 is written x^2). Likewise when the exponent (power) is one, (e.g. 3x^1 is written 3x), and, when the exponent is zero, the result is always 1 (e.g. x^0 is always 1).

Rational expressions

A rational algebraic expression (or rational expression) is an algebraic expression that can be written as a quotient of polynomials, such as x2 + 2x + 4. An irrational algebraic expression is one that is not rational, such as x + 4.